Choose Solar range purpose-built standalone battery systems, the most reliable solution for remote, hostile environments
Battery systems have a tough job maintaining reliable service in isolated locations and hostile environments. Demand fluctuates widely and charging depends entirely on irregular and unpredictable patterns. In remote, outdoor installations, Solar nickel-cadmium battery is the natural choice for photovoltaic applications, stand-alone hybrid systems and renewable energy applications.
Alcad Solar Ni-Cd batteries provide continuity at any state of charge, but they also reach a high state of charge without boost or reconditioning charges, greatly simplifying the complex task of managing charging patterns, so essential to the efficient operation of renewable energy systems.
Solar nickel-cadmium battery provides totally reliable service and low maintenance which achieves a low life-cycle cost.
For more information or to request a quote contact us using the form below.
Krueger & Associates, LLC. is the factory authorized manufacturers representative for Alcad Standby Batteries in Oklahoma, Arkansas and North Texas. For Alcad customers outside of our service area, click here to locate your local sales and support contacts.